Derby School of Taekwon-Do Stamp Image

Derby School of Taekwon-Do

Taekwon-Do, literally meaning “The way of the foot and fist”, is a Korean martial art that was founded in 1955 by General Choi Hong Hi – loosely based on existing traditional Korean martial arts and the influence of martial arts, such as Karate, introduced during the Japanese occupation of Korea.

A stand-up art, like Kickboxing and opposed to grappling arts such as Judo and Ju-Jitsu, Taekwon-Do lays emphasis on kicking and leg techniques due to their superior strength and reach. However there are also a multitude of hand techniques in the Taekwon-Do syllabus that students will learn.

Training regularly in Taekwon-Do has many benefits. You will quickly experience improvements in both your fitness and flexibility that in turn improves your overall feeling of well being. Over time as your skill in Taekwon-Do improves your confidence and self defence ability will grow. As well as physical improvement Taekwon-Do nurtures mental improvement too. The tenets; Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control and Indomitable Spirit go hand in hand with the physical activities.

At Derby School of Taekwon-Do we teach ITF Taekwon-Do and are associated to the UKTA. We run classes suitable for complete beginners all the way through to the experienced higher levels of black belt.

With dedicated classes for both children and adults we have experience teaching all ages, both male and female, with the goal of making Taekwon-Do accessible to all.

Our Classes

We pride ourselves on making Taekwon-Do accessible to everyone. Through partnerships with schools and colleges across Derbyshire and with the University of Derby, complete beginners to seasoned black belts are welcome and a choice of training opportunities are available.

There are three adult evening classes each week – Running Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays – these classes are open to everyone regardless of experience, gender or ability. We also have dedicated children’s classes throughout the week at school venues across Derbyshire.

Adult Classes

Tuesday 7.00–8.30pm
University of Derby Sports Centre
Thursday 7.30–9.00pm
Darley Abbey Scout Hut
Friday 6.00–8.00pm
University of Derby Kirtley Hall

Kids Classes

Thursday 5.30–6.30pm
Darley Abbey Village Hall

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about training, seminars, competitions, gradings or any anything to do with our School, or Taekwon-Do in general, please get in touch with us. We'd love to hear from you.

 Contact Us

Class Resources

There are six coloured belts in Taekwon-Do. In order, these are: White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red and Black. In addition, there are intermediate stages between each belt. For example, when a white belt passes their first grading, they wear yellow tags on the end of the belt. Upon promotion at the next grading, a full yellow belt would be worn. This system continues up to Black Belt.

At Black Belt, the system is divided up into ‘Dans’ with the lowest being I Dan and the highest being IX Dan. The Derby School Instructor is currently a VII Dan International Instructor. The purpose of the grades is twofold; firstly it identifies the individual's degree of skill and cultural education in Taekwon-Do, and secondly it creates incentive whilst simultaneously preserving humility.